
Sunday 22 December 2013

Why you should use CommentLuv

Commenting is something what each and every blog owner loves to have. Some posts generate more comments and others don’t generate any… There are many factors that determine whether someone Why you should use CommentLuv for your blog comment on your site or not. If you generate a useful, creative and unique content, it is sure that it can generate some awesome number of comments. But if you post rubbish! it is sure that it won’t generate any comment other than idiotic spam. But this is only the basic principle of commenting! For increased comment activity you should use some strategies. And one of those strategies is to use commentluv plugin. This is an awesome plugin which increase comments dramatically. Actually there are rumors that some people are searching for sites with commentluv because of its features. So in this post I will share some facts about commentluv plugin and also I will help you in installing it to your awesome blog! HOW IT WORKS? CommentLuv works in an almost very intelligent way! When a user comment on a blog, he has an option to choose from one of his recent 10 posts. Then after the comment, link to it appears below the post. Here is an example from this site

Since a comment carry a link to their site, these people insist to do more commenting which increase the user engagement which in-turn increase the reputation and traffic to your blog. (Which is hell a very good thing!). Now we will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of using this plugin.
 CommentLuv increases user engagement 
CommentLuv makes more returning visitors Since it dosn’t write anything to database, it does not overload your site’s database server. 
Web Traffic to your blog will increase
Since it generate a big amount of outbound links, high-profile blogs might be tagged as link spam by search engines if they use commentluv for big blogs. 
Even through it uses meta variables for comments, many of them can decrease site performance which in turn have a negative impact on site’s SEO. 
Spammers might find this as a useful opportunity to promote their illegal or spam sites which might decrease your pagerank if search engines like Google finds it. 

I have an option to use CommentLuv at its full potential, use must use commentluv if you have a regular blog to increase things I said above! But for a high-profile blog, I don’t recommend to use it because of its negative SEO and pagerank outcomes. Also be sure to check your comments and if you see a comment that do not deserve a commentluv (one word comments like “Thankyou” “Good Job!” etc.) be sure to remove it because the commenter does not insist to thank you but he wants to make his link appear in your blog in a ridiculous way! Also make sure that sites in commentluv leads to a safe site or you might get banned from results
! DOWNLOAD Honestly! I forget about that! It is our job to promote this awesome plugin isn’t it? So I request you to download it from wordpress directory itself so that the author might know about how many people downloaded it and so… You can visit it by following this link. Or if you are unable to download from it, you can try to download it from our server by clicking this link. So what do you think of this plugin? Share your views as comments! Till next time!

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